Monday, July 27, 2009

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

I'm wearing a strapless red satin cocktail dress with gold accessories (I think). My hair is brown and long and quite thick with a curl, defined in some places but in others its just wavy. I would like to try and style my hair myself to save money, but I'm not very good. I was thinking of maybe setting it properly with curlers (my natural curls are not really formal enough) and then pinning some up and leaving some loose. Will this look OK? If so, what type of curlers are best and how do I pin it up?Thanks

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

hi your outfit sounds stunning and its a nice event to be invited to, I would suggest you go to a salon and have your hair put up professionally to complement your outfit

My salon charges no more than 鎷?5 to put hair up, and there is some stunning styles to choose from, don't have to pick a super name salon, choose an ordinary high street one and its a lot cheaper, why ruin a good night if you think your hair does not look right, please do it professionally and you will be the belle of the ball so to speak, even a mobile hairdresser can put your type of hair up superbly

have a great evening

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

Have it done for you .

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

i have naturally wavy hair and when i go out for evenings i make it even curlier and just wear it down (or half up) so i think that you should just make the wavy bits curlier and just wear it down.

it always works for me and it means that you can wear less makeup it frames your face.

use the curlers that make your hair into ringlets hairspray it all and then feel the curles out abit. that is what i normally do and it worked for my prom!!! and as for pinning it up use some bobby pins that match the accesories and then add some just normall ones that are the same colour as your hair. because you want to hold it up but not go to overboard as it might attract attention away from your dress.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

Why don't you spoil yourself and take a trip to the hairdressers, explain what type of "look" you need, and get someone else to do it for you while you drink a nice cup of something hot!

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

Go to a hairdresser cos will look nicer.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

u better get wavy hair.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

for ur hair i think that you should curl it then put it in a bun and gel it so it slick. and leave like two curls out in the front.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

I would suggest that, yes, save some money and do it yourself. What to me looks elegant is pinning up my long hair leaving only two tendrils hanging beside my eyes. Keep trying until you get it right... and good luck.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

Hi I am a hairdresser and if you're not very good at styling your own hair it might well be worth spending a few quid getting it done professionally (plus it wont fall out!). However if you really cant afford to do that then maybe one of your friends could do it for you. It would help if you had some heated rollers (or again ask a friend if they have) cos they are fab at putting in lovely defined flowing curls... or some large rollers (maybe invest in some setting lotion which is just a temporary thing till you next wash your hair to set the curls) then just loosely pin some up and let some bits fall down around your face/neck. Classic/romantic hair up style... Hope you enjoy your event.

How should I wear my curly/wavy hair for a black tie event?

have it done

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