Monday, July 27, 2009

V-day hair styles...?

well as u all prolly know 2morrow is valentines day... and i was wondering how i should do my hair? i have dark brown hair past my shoulders but not super long and its naturally wavy and curly.... but im tired of just leaving it the same or straightening it and i hate putting it up but now i have bangs so maybe i could put it up =]]] so if anyone has any good hairstyles with instructions to do is plz lemme know!! Thanks soo muchh!!! =]]]] and this is for school!! =D oh yea Happy V-Day to you!! =]

V-day hair styles...?

do to big bunns and a small one on the bottom. so it looks like a heart

V-day hair styles...?

I saw a really elegant picture of Cate Blanchett in december's vogue where she had her hair in a sweet bun/knot on the side of her head.

Here it is:

I'm waiting for an opportunity to do it too! :)

Happy V-day!

V-day hair styles...?

do the cate hair ... reallycute

V-day hair styles...?

I could NEVER get my hair to do it, but go with the Cate hair. I LOVE it!

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